DUHS-1953 Index and notes to the Panorama Photograph of the DUHS Class of 1953 at graduation from Junior High.
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Index and notes to the Panorama Photograph of the DUHS Class of 1953.
The original panorama photo is 32-inches of image on a 33-inch base.
The arrangement of rows top to bottom is ..
   1 2 Two rows of boys standing
   3 4 Two rows of girls standing
   5    One row   of girls kneeling
   6    One row   of boys sitting
For ease of processing the full width has been divided into 4 sections
identified as A, B, C, D from Left-to-Right.
  Section-A -- Left
  Section-B -- L.Center
  Section-C -- R.Center
  Section-D -- Right
The names, as best as I could remember them, are shown below;
those (about 123 of them) that I couldn't recognize (my apologies to each of you, it's been a long time)
are shown as _Xnnn_ to identify the section/row/number.
   corrections and additions by that numbering scheme to
Hugh Hoskins
Section-A -- Left__________
Top Row
Ben Rogers, Winston Havet, Gary Garrett, Howard Timpke, Bernie Knudsen,
Bill Allen, Dick Smith, Wayland Calkins, Dixon Collins.
Row 2
James Sudberry, _A202, Leonard Bartlett, Ed Wissler, Ken Whitke,
_A206_, Ray Johnson, _A208, Kenny Norbert.
Row 3
Berry Rice,_A302,_A303_,_A304,_A305_,_A306, Ursul Culwell,_A308_, MaryJo Gobel.
Row 4
_A401, Barbara Day, Peggy Cannon, Mary Lang, _A405, Beryl Williams,
Mary Ann Watts, Carolyn Hartslet, Marcia Jobe.
Row 5
_A501,_A502_,_A503,_A504_, Sally Harris,_A506_,_A507, Nancy Covey,
_A509,_A510_, GeorgeAnne Schroeder.
Row 6
_A601,_A602_,_A603,_A604_, Bill Stokes, _A606, Neil Grantham, _A608_.
Row 7
_A701, Chuck Kaltenthaler,_A703_, John Garrison, Daryl McClusky, _A706_, Victor Wright,
Tom Hollis,
Row 8
Merle Eide, Hugh Hoskins?, Roudney Roberts?, Tom Blackmore, Martin Wright,_A802_, Dion_??.
Row 9
Fred Krueger, Ward Dawson, Jerome Holland, Bill Hunt, Jim Horton
Bottom Row 10
_A1001, Dave Garcia, Joe Smith, Mike Stelzer, Ken Ganser, Irvin Crist, _A1007,
Dave Felling, Don Beirbower.
Section-B -- L.Center__________
Top Row
Carl Kardinal, _B102, Tom Howe, John Howe, Mike Kearns,
Fred Zeuthen, _B107_, _B108_, _B109_, Joe Aguliar,
Clyde Arthurs, Jack Trageser
Row 2
_B201, Don Mansfield, Jack Shaw, Al Kepplinger, _B205_, _B206_,
-wide-space-, _B207_, _B208_, _B209_,
Row 3
Barbara McGraw, Margaret Wallar, B303_, B304_, B305_, B306_, B307_, B308_,
Shela Burton, _B310_,
Row 4
Sally Dever, _B402,_B403_, Jill Miner, Bonnie Merritt, Peggy Harris,
_B407, Romaine Robinson, _B409_
Row 5
_B501,_B502_, Lupe Rameriz, _B504, Cecelia Moses,
_B506_,_B507,_B508_,_B509, Alta Voge, Delorus Turner, _B512_,_B513
Row 6
_B601,_B602_,_B603_, Bertha Comisaroff, Sally Ehinger, Liane Karnes.
Row 7
_B701,_B702_,_B703,_B704_,_B705,_B706_, _B707_,_B708
Row 8
_B801,_B802_,_B803, Lois Petersen,_B805, Virginia Parker, _B807_, _B808
Bottom Row9
Bill Sexton, _B902,_B903_, Roy Prince, _B905,_B906_,_B907,_B908_,_B909
Section-C -- R.Center__________
Top Row
Bill Agnew, Wayne White, Jim Horn, _C110, Fred Steinen, _C112_,
Row 2
Dave Cox,_C202_, Don Meyer, _C204,_C205_,_C206, James Calkins
Richard Krumweid, Tom Ellis,_C210
Row 3
_C301,_C302_,_C303,_C304_,_C305, Gloria Bell, Louise Kauffman,
Myra Martin, Leah Stumpf, Jackie Tibert
Row 4
_C401,_C402_,_C403,_C404_, Roberta Young, Bonnie Meritt, Coleen Mullins,
_C408,_C409_, Beverly Little, Connie Durham
Row 5
_C501_,_C502_, Joan Himmelfarb, Shirley Bergman, Sandra Himmelfarb,
_C506,_C507, Marcia Jobe,_C509,_C510, Sheelaugh Jennings?,_C512, Sherry Oleen
Row 6
Alyce Mercer, Peggy Harris?,_C603, Jim Horton,_C605_, Pete Perumean,
Lloyd Prosser, Bill Auerbach, Richard Haslip?, _C610
Row 7
Patsy Steere, Arlis Arnold, Ruth Gussow, Eldon Clark, _C705,_C706_,_C607,
Roger Fredrickson
Row 8
_C801,_C802_, Bob Brust,_C804, Bill Prahm, Kenny Powell, Alex Petrie,
Tom Blackmore?
Bottom Row 9
-wide-space- Lee Busse, Orlan Wahlan,_C903, Bill Wilks, Ron Balfour, _C906_
Section-D -- Right__________
Top Row
George Kaytanjan, Don Hocker, _D103_, Ples Clark, Neil Grantham?
Row 2
Guy Mannino, Ray VanCouvering, Alton Wortham, _D203_, Chas Adams?,
Row 3
Felicia Carhart, Sally MacIssac, Anita MacIssac, Joan Thompsen,
Mary Ball, Mary Varela, _D307
Row 4
Margie Morrow,_D402_, Barbara Kinsey, Bonnie Baird, _D405
Row 5
_D501,_D502_, BarbaraBoytim, _D504,_D505,_D506_,_D507
Row 6
_D601, Ron Volmer, Bob Pasqua,_D604, Neil Kibler, Irving Ross,
Wayne Rudd, _D608
Row 7
_D701,_D702_, Clyde Arthurs, Caron Wallace, Victor McCalman, Bill McFetridge,
Bottom Row 8
Terry Hoffman,_D802_, Frank Sabala, _D804, Norman Reese
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