ON Electric Meters ---        On_Other_Stuff

This is presented as true to the best recollection and is offered for guidance with NO warranty expressed or implied.
Your mileage may vary.
This is about some of the new "Smart" electric meter;
 yours may be different, but what follows may
 be true for yours also.

Edison Electric Meter - new 2010

CENTRON [barcode]
Cl200 240v 3w Type C2SOD 30TA 1.0kh CA0.5 FM:2S 60hz

SCE   [barcode]
OpenWay by ITRON 9/09
[ display rotates between 3 formats] --
 1.-   001   04773 kwh
 2.-   P 1d    151
 3.-   888 888888888888 [constant - never changes]

  the display also contains
    two(2) small squares and
    one(1) right-pointing triangle
   these blink to indicate the power being used

 Actually there is also a left-pointing triangle,
   but it only shows when we are sending power TO SCE;
  so the cycle of patterns goes as follows ...
 1.-   0  0  0  0
 2.-   0  1  0  0
 3.-   0  1  1  0
 4.-   0  1  1  1
 5.-   0  0  1  1
 6.-   0  0  0  1
 1.-   0  0  0  0

 SCE has a formula for power which includes a count of the number of "pulses":
        kW = (number-of-pulses  x 3.6) / time-in seconds
    the definition of a "pulse" is any change of state of any of the symbols.
 So a complete rotation through all of the patterns is SIX(6) pulses.

 These meters send radio signals periodically to Headquarters to enable
  the power company to accomplish their (feindish) billing algorithims.
 The meters can also receive signals to shut off your power or turn it on,
  depending on whether your bill payment status is current (pun).
 Think about the potential for hacking by an organization, whether
   foreign or domestic - non-govermental or otherwise.

In God We Trust; all others: Good Luck.

 Your mileage may vary.