Switzerland - Places to see (and eat) and other notes.

Convert money ONLY at banks.
Most ATMs at top banks will take credit cards with passwords and give local currency;
 the rates are OK; my experience has been no fee at either end; yours may be different.
Consider buying a transit pass for the number of days you'll be there

Food seems to be at two ends of the spectrum:
   low-end with pastry, drinks, cold salads and sandwiches, and pizza
   high-end with long waits and smallish portions
   it is hard to find anythimg in the middle like Dennys, Carrows, BlackAngus
 The words Cafeteria, Buffet, and Restaurant do not have the same meaning as in the US.
 Many groceries have counters which serve food-to-go, but no tables.
 Many of the super-highway gas-stops have acceptable food service.
 Also there are Manora Restaurants in/near Manor Stores.
 Also there are Co-Op  Restaurants in/near Co-Op Stores.
 Most Railroad stations (Banhoffs) have some modicum of food.

The BIG cities are Zurich, Geneva, Berne.
The scenery is elsewhere: Zermatt, Matterhorn, Gornergrat,
   Interlaken, Jungfrau, Grindelwald, Luceren,  Mt.Pilatus.

Hotels, Motels, and Bed & Breakfasts abound for either
    making reservations or dropping-in.

If you don't want to do all the planning/driving work yourself, consider bus tours from
  Insight, Trafalgar, Cosmos    (listed in order of decreasing quality)