Downey Union High School Class of 1953
     The most current item is at the top..Hello DUHS-1953 Classmates: On Saturday 21 August 1999 many of us attended a class picnic. It marked the 46-th anniversary of our graduation and provided an opportunity for us to renew old friendships and to make some basic plans for a BIG EVENT for our 50-th in the year 2003. To those of you who were UNable to attend THE-Picnic: you missed meeting a LOT of fine folks who were all hoping to see YOU. To those of you in attendance: THANK YOU for making it a great event for all of those others who attended. I'd also like to again say "THANKS" for your contributions to offset the postage/telephone/printing expenses. Best attendance count at the moment is 61 graduates plus 38 spouses plus a few friends and family, but see next paragraph... My Apologies to.. Phyllis Bierbower Myra Murray Bob Pasqua all of whom were apparently too shy to step up on their own, and I failed to drag them into the photo/video taping before they left. Or maybe they had some special aura or mystic powers that erased their part of the tape. Would appreciate it if the 3 of you would send in a photo; thanks. Several folks expressed an interest in a similar picnic-type event next year, so watch your mail for a notice. George Katanjian mentioned the possible availability of his church here in town as a future site, which might offer greater comforts. The general consensus for a 50-th was an event with a "Sock-Hop" theme with some catered food, possibly in the School gym or nearby. The planning committee's mention of "no tuxedos" got such an immediate loud round of applause, that the dress code may actually be "clean jeans" (with rolled cuffs) and Poodle Skirts if you've got 'em. Send thoughts and comments regarding the BIG-50 to Ben Rogers at Thanks for all of your cooperation,, /s/ Hugh T. Hoskins --------------------------- Hello DUHS-1953 Classmates: MARK YOUR CALENDARS: the class will have a homecoming picnic on Sat 21 Aug 1999 from 11:00am until whenever, on the School Grounds near the "S" building, located s.e. of the new pool, w. of the old pool, n. of 3rd St, third bldg e. of Brookshire (was Church); the approx address would be 8521 3rd St. Parking available on street or in the pool lot at 10900 Brookshire. This will be an INformal get-together along with brainstorming and planning for the BIG-5-0. This is a NO-fee affair with everybody bringing their own food, beverage, shadehat, blanket, lawn chairs, etc.; the only thing furnished will be the fellowship of everybody else. Please pass-along the invitation to anyone who you feel might be missed by this process and anyone from other classes who would be interested. This mailing is going to the best addresses available at this time. Would appreciate your responding with an attendance head-count, your latest correct address, phone number, and (if you have one) an Internet E-MAIL address. Similar info that you may have for anyone else in the class would also be appreciated, including any deaths of which you are aware. If you can't make the picnic, please send-in your thoughts on your future attendability, month, and format (e.g. Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct; picnic-in-the-park, dinner-in-the-hotel, both). Please respond to: Hugh T. Hoskins, 8324 Noren St. Downey, CA 90240-3216 tele 562/923-0544. email: Please send along a NONreturnable photo of the headshot/portrait/passport type. REMEMBER: In case of any future changes, please keep me informed or forward them to the school at Alumni Records-1953, Downey High School, 11040 Brookshire Ave, Downey, CA 90241, in order to maintain the records' INTEGRITY!