The Devil's Phonetic Alphabet                            Other_Puzzling_Stuff
   A       Aesop Are
   B       Bdellium
   C       Cayman Cue Czar
   D       Djinn Djakarta Dnieper
   E       Effigy Ell Esoteric Emulate Enemy Estuary Etude Exit Ell Eye Ewe
   G       Gnarl Gnash Gnat Gnome Gnu
   H       Hour Huachuca Hueneme
   J       Jabot
   K       Knack Knead Knee Knell Knife Knit Knot
   M       Mnemonic
   O       Ouija
   P       Phase Phoenix Phonetic Phred Pneumonia Pshaw Pseudo Psycho
   Q       Quoin
   S       Sea See
   T       Tsar
   U       Uigr Uitlander
   V       Vrow
   W       Who Whole Why
   X       Xerox Xenon Xenia Xerxes Xylophone
   Y       Yew You Yttrium Yule
   Z       Zwieback

 Contributions are solicited -- especially for the blank lines.