T.H.E. 50th Reunion of the DUHS Class of 1953 ____
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Intital Planning Target Notes     "Likely" REUNION Attendees

The Program from the Reunion Banquet     The Program withOUT the cover graphic for slow connections.    

      Logistic Notes on the Event, the Class, and some History     a.k.a. Hugh's Pitch

Pictures from the MAIN EVENT

TRIVIA QUIZ - Give it a Try

Noresman Handout, Page 1    Page 2    Page 3    Page 4

These were "reconstituted" Norsemans laboriously made by the never-tiring committee by pasting-up clippings from MANY original issues of our 52-53 year. The four(4) pages were printed back-to-back on two(2) sheets, individually hand rolled to precise specifications, lovingly tied with MAROON ribbon, and carefully distributed in an alternate fashion so that each couple might take home a full set of the pages.

Bob Siemann's wife, Dee, made a beautiful quilt as a door prize;
eventually a picture of it will be posted on the WebSite; even though she was not a DUHS grad, she seems to have expressed a great understanding of the School in her excellent craftsmanship.
Donna Parvin was the holder of the winning ticket and feels that it such a great work of art that she wanted to somehow share it with others, so has designated herself as the first "Keeper of the Quilt" and will share the honor; accordingly, it will be brought to the next reunion to be passed on in similar fashion to the next lucky ticket holder.

Mike Stelzer had some HATS made especially for the event;
and there are some still available, postage-paid, by sending your check for $ **.** to xxxxxx yyyy, nnnn SSSSSS, TTTTT, California 9zzzz
       Watch this space for further details.

Hugh Hoskins had some copies made of the Senior Picture pages of our '53 Volsung; and there are some still available, postage-paid, by sending your check for $ 8.50 to him.