======== A Transcription of the Records of ...... Ebenezer Congregational/Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Sheboygan, Wisconsin; located at 1431 St.Clair Ave., dissolved 1997; now Hmong Ebenezer Missouri Synod. Church Records exist for the period 1911-1982; there was only one death recorded in 1923; there were only a few years of Communions recorded. Extracted/Transcribed by Arliss (G/C/Klauser) Hoskins from the LDS film # 1392593 of the Original record books The data is in several sections: Title Page + Short History of the Church A= Marriages B= Memberships C= Births D= Deaths E= Communions plus a COMPOSITE INDEX to ALL of the above. Each entry has an entry reference number in order of the original record books. The Composite Index refers to the occurrences of all of the surnames by noting the section letter and entry number where they appear. This is also available on RootsWeb where it will be found in both text and in -.PDF formats. Copyright 2000-2007 Arliss Klauser Hoskins